Spiders of all species are found worldwide in every continent except Antarctica. There are 48,200 different spider species. Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have mouth parts with fangs that inject venom, they are characterized by their segmented body with eight legs. Normally, female spider can lay up to 3,000 eggs in one or more egg sacs. In some species the female spider will die after making her egg sacs; however, in other species, the female will either attach the sac to her web, hide them in her nest, or carry them in her body. The lifespan of spiders is usually 1-2 years.
There are over 35,000 described species of spiders worldwide, with about 3,000 occurring in North America. Many species of spiders are household pests. Wherever their food is available, spiders are likely to be found.Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for They are most often found around wood piles and gain entry into a structure when firewood is carried into a building. They are also found under eaves, in boxes, and other areas where they are undisturbed.
Most spiders in the area bite in defense and do not bite humans instinctively. They will bite humans when the clothing they are hiding in is worn. Some spider bites are painful and can produce an open, ulcerating sore. When spider webs are visible, use caution before putting your hands or feet in that area.
All spiders are predators, feeding mainly on insects and other small arthropods. Brown recluse spiders are nocturnal and eat other bugs like cockroaches and crickets. Male brown recluse spiders wander farther than females and will crawl into shoes or other clothing. Black widow spiders spin their webs near ground level. They often build their webs in protected areas, such as in boxes and in firewood.
Spider Prevention
Store clothing and shoes inside plastic containers, and shake out all clothing that has been in a hamper before wearing or washing.
When the pest is becoming a nuisance, an inspection and proper treatment of the structure by a professional is recommended.
Structural Pest Spider Program
Our service technician will perform a thorough inspection on the exterior and interior of your structure to locate all problem areas and properly identify the pest you are having.
All programs are specially designed to target the pest that is infesting your structure.