The most commonly encountered moles are the eastern mole. They are a medium sized species and found throughout the Eastern United States, Mexico, and Canada. This species has large hairless feet that are made for digging. Moles live underground and move around by burrowing. They make nests in shallow burrows with leaves and grasses. Female moles normally have 2-5 young. At one month old, the young are usually independent and off on their own. Their lifespan varies but is usually around 6 years.
The most common complaint with moles is their tunneling habit. Moles tunnel beneath the earth and build extensive tunnel networks. Mole tunnels that are close to the earth’s surface are normally feeding tunnels, as you could see by the raised ground. Moles have the ability to dig a one foot of shallow tunnel per minute.
Prevention & Control
Due to the damage to your property and/or health, wildlife issues are serious and should be handled professionally. That is why Structural Pest is here to help. We can take care of this pest fast and effective to give you peace of mind.
The Eastern mole can be found in areas with moist soil such as lawns, golf courses, gardens, and fields. They avoid heavy, wet soils. Moles are a subterranean animal.