Stink Bugs
The technical name for the stink bug is the brown marmorated stink bug. It is also known as a “shield bug” due to the shape of it’s body. They range in color from bright green, gray, red, copper, and dark brown. There are 4,700 species of the stink bug that are found throughout the world. Stink bug populations are on the rise in the United States because the climate is ideal for their reproduction. In a favorable environment, an adult stink bug can mature within 35 – 45 days after hatching. Female stink bugs are capable of laying 30-100 eggs at one time usually on the underside of leaves. Normally, the stink bug is capable of producing at least one successful generation per year in all areas of the United States, no matter of temperatures. The lifespan of this bug is on average 6-8 months.
Feeding Preferences
They feed on many different plants including apples, apricots, Asian pears, cherries, corn, grapes, lima beans, peaches, peppers, tomatoes, and soybeans. This makes them extremely adaptable. They do not require a specific plant on which to feed.
The stink bug is a serious agricultural pest that has been causing damage to crops across the United States.
Transmitted Diseases
The stink bug does not transmit human disease.
Stink bugs get their name from the awful smelling odor they produce. The glands which produce the odor are located on the underside of the abdomen, between the first and second pair of legs. The stink bug’s ability to release this odor are through holes in its abdomen. This is used as a defense mechanism meant to prevent it from being eaten by birds and lizards. However, simply handling or agitating the bug may cause the bug to release this chemical defense.
Structural Pest Stink Bug Program
David will perform a thorough inspection on both the interior and exterior of your home, finding all the infested areas and identifying which pests you are dealing with. Once identified, David will employ a pest control program that is designed to target the specific pests in your home.