House Flies
The house fly is found throughout the United States and worldwide. It is the most common fly found around and inside structures. Adults are grey or black with four dark, lines on the body. They have hairy bodies and a single pair of wings. The house fly have red eyes, set apart in the larger female. The adult female lays her eggs one at a time but are in clusters of 75- 150 per batch. She will normally lay 5-6 batches in her lifespan equaling 350-900 eggs. The eggs are usually laid in damp organic matter, such as food waste or feces and will hatch within 8-20 hours. The larvae are best known as maggots, and they go through 3 developmental changes in 3-7 days. Generally, the total lifespan of the house fly is 28 days.
House flies normally stay within 1 mile of where they emerged due to a sustainable food source. They are normally found outside in warmer temperatures near areas that are unsanitary and filthy. They can also be found near dead animal carcasses and animal feces. When the temperatures get cooler, the house fly will try to gain access to your structure by open doors or windows or ripped screens.
Once inside, you can find them around windows, doors, ceilings, walls, by trash cans, floor drains, near light sources, or around left out food and pet food.
House flies are carriers of over 100 disease causing pathogens. They transmit these pathogens on their bodies, legs, vomit, and feces. Transmission occurs when the fly lands on food or surfaces where food is prepared.
House flies play an important role in breaking down and recycling organic matter. Adults are mainly carnivorous; their primary food is animal carcasses and feces. They also consume rotting fruit and vegetables. They use their saliva to soften solid foods when feeding.
Fly Prevention
In the summer and before late fall or early winter, seal or caulk crack, crevices, voids and all possible entry openings in and around your structure. Also, you will need to screen windows and doors and keep lids on garbage cans and recycling bins.
Due to their reproductive capabilities, an infestation can happen quickly.
Structural Pest Fly Program
Our service technician will perform a thorough inspection on the exterior and interior of your structure to locate all problem areas and properly identify the pest you are having.
All programs are specially designed to target the pest that is infesting your structure.